Decorative black and white turtle sculpture.

Project Baby Sea Turtles

These are a few of the sea turtle babies I dropped off at the Art Center last Thursday. 

These little ones range in size from about 2 7/8″ to 3 1/2″.  About half are refrigerator magnets.

I have a terrible camera and I nearly always forget to take photos of these little critters before applying the glossy finish which makes the photos look even worse, and of course these photos are double the actual size so all flaws are glaringly out there…sigh.  

What did Salvidore Dali say?  “Don’t try for perfection, you’ll never achieve it?” or something like that.  I believe in living the intention and almost quoting my favorite sages correctly.   

The next phase of this turtle journey is to try to perfect some really good molds and try to ignore what I just wrote in that last paragraph above. 

When I started this project the smallest turtle I thought I could make was about 5″ long but after much practice achieved a tiny baby Leatherback at just 2 7/8″.  I think I can go smaller…