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Decorative turtle with black and white patterns.

Turtles on My Mind

Theme of Sea Turtles for the November class at the Art Center. How to make baby sea turtle figurines with Celluclay. This little black and white speckled figurine is of a baby Leatherback turtle. This was my first atempt at creating a leatherback figurine. This one goes by the name of Nohealani, Beauty From Heaven.…

Black cats playing with swirling gray balls.

Artist of the Month: October

What could be more fitting than to have paintings of witches and kittens on display for witching month? We put up over 40 paintings for show at the 2nd Street Art Gallery last Friday. I’ve been painting furiously for this event since last March and have fallen so in love with my witches and cats…

A wooden disc with a bird on top of it.

Wood Cookies for October 2023

Just dropped off a basket full of wood cookies at the Tsunami Beach Company on 3rd Street, Crescent City. Here is a sampling of the type of ornaments available both here and at the 2nd Street Art Gallery. Lots of black cats, god’s eyes, ghosts, witches and Bigfoot family outings. Sure, big foot family outings,…

Witch with cats under a full moon.

Black Cat and Witch Puzzles

As i was painting a colorful piece, it occurred to me that it might make a swell puzzle to add to the October art show collection. So, I continued to create a few more possible designs to add to the mix. Once I get my hands on a good photographer I will submit these to…

Black cats and pumpkin on Halloween theme.

Rebellious Rascals

This started out with a witch on the broom but when the idea struck for a joy ride I couldn’t resist. This one will be available as a puzzle as soon as I get my new photo equipment.

Witch flying with cats under moonlight.

Trickster and Kitten take a Ride With the Witch

It occurred to me in mid process to add a kitten to the mix. I think it worked out well.

Dancing witch surrounded by playful black cats.

Diabolical Dancing

A diabolic dance in the moonlight with cats. Bringing in the spirit of the witching season with a midnight dance lit by a full moon. I’ve added a few things since publishing this photo, and may update this shot at a later date. Just not done with it yet.

Cats and a witch flying on a broomstick.

Mutiny on a Broomstick

The intention was to add spooky trees and branches with owls and haunting eyes to surround the witch as she chased Trickster, her playful, broom-jacking feline familiar. However, one by one, Trickster’s 3 rowdy kittens popped into view to add some fun and chaotic playfulness to the scene.

Witch flying on broomstick with black cat.

Witch Plays Magic Eye with Trickster

Witch relaxing under a witches moon while performing magic to mesmerize Trickster. The fun thing I discovered about this painting is it can be effectively displayed in any direction.

Cat-themed artwork with silhouette and moons.

Moon Phases

Lunar phases of the moon are vital so witches may perform rituals, incantations and magical recipes to witches. Why not add a few kittens to the recipe. I’ll be making more of this theme for sure.