
Cat-themed artwork with silhouette and moons.

Moon Phases

Lunar phases of the moon are vital so witches may perform rituals, incantations and magical recipes to witches. Why not add a few kittens to the recipe. I’ll be making more of this theme for sure.

Witch looking into a crystal ball, cat.

Black cats and Witches Project

There is just something special about the relationship between a cat and its chosen person that can never be explained. The Beauty and the Beast We all know the story of Beauty and the beast. Sure, she proves loves him and he turns into a real boy and all that, but try to reverse roles…

Witch interacting with a black cat.

Wicked Witch of the West

Trickster Takes A Visication to the Wicked Witch of the West’s shadow. Inspired by a photo of the original movie Wizard of Oz bad witch. The Wicked Witch of the West. She was the worst. I never knew her name other than WWW. As a total fan of the origial Wizard of Oz, this particular…

A pink flamingo painted on wood slice.

Wood Cookies, Styles and Types

A friend suggested I start a catalog designs so I’ve been busy, busy, busy creating a variety of designs to display on Karma Carriers web site.  Currently I am working on designs for Halloween and other fall holidays such as Day of the Dead skulls and skeletons, witches and black cats galore to prepare for…

Witch flying with colorful cats on broom.

Kittens and Witches go Together like Mittens and Stitches

This is the latest in the series of kittens, cats and witches. I keep forgetting about this blog, so forgive the repetition if you’ve read this on the web site. Karma Carrier Cats & Witches Witches and CatsCats and witches for Halloween. The midnight time when powerful witches, demons and ghosts appear to wreak havoc,…

A painting of a woman with colorful flames.

Whimsical, Colorful, Interesting and Delightful Wood Cookies

Whimsical, Colorful, Interesting and Delightful Wood Cookies These are the words a fellow Toastmaster club member used to describe Karma Carrier Wood Cookie ornaments. The description fits. I’m feeling a bit addicted to painting tiny images on each slice. It’s a challenge to come up with new symbols and designs to keep each ornament freshly…

A group of wood slices with black and white designs on them.

Wooden Slices Sea Turtle Ornaments

These little wood slice turtles are between 2 and 3 inches. Each ornament is hand-painted with an image on both sides. Images include a variety of subjects, animal, vegetable and mineral.

Person painting colorful turtle crafts on table.

Turtle Class Was a Success

A total of 9 people attended the class last Thursday and we had a lot of fun. We painted a total of 20 premade baby turtles and molded at least 20 more for baking at home. Most of the attendees are local artists themselves.  I am looking forward to seeing their finished turtles and learning…

Decorative black and white turtle sculpture.

Project Baby Sea Turtles

These are a few of the sea turtle babies I dropped off at the Art Center last Thursday.  These little ones range in size from about 2 7/8″ to 3 1/2″.  About half are refrigerator magnets. I have a terrible camera and I nearly always forget to take photos of these little critters before applying…

Colorful decorative dog figurine.

National Cat Day

The most famous cat in the history of science is Schrödinger’s cat.   In 1935 the physicist Erwin Schrödinger used the idea of a cat in a box as a thought experiment to explain the theory of quantum mechanics.  Without actually viewing the cat there is no way to tell whether the cat is live or dead.…